The main advantages of CALMAG
solves calcium and magnesium (Ca, Mg) deficits
increases nutrient absorption
supports stronger and healthier plants
contributes to higher quality flowers and fruits
product with high concentration
increases EC too soft water
is necessary for reverse osmosis water
What is good water quality:
The water that flows from the tap in households varies by region. We are talking about water from the public water supply. If you have your own well or other local water source, its quality can be any and an analysis is needed. There is a basic division of water according to the content of dissolved minerals:
Soft water EC is lower than 0.4 - it is necessary to increase the EC to 0.4 with CANNA CALMAG AGENT.
Normal EC water is between 0.4 - 0.5. It contains dissolved calcium, magnesium and sodium bicarbonate, which stabilizes the pH of the water. All CANNA products are designed to work perfectly with normal water.
Hard water has an EC above 0.5 and contains more calcium and magnesium than the plant can use. If you have hard water, the best way to treat it is to get a reverse osmosis filter. It produces completely demineralized water with almost zero EC. You then mix the filtered water with hard water to reach an EC of 0.4. You can also use only filtered water from reverse osmosis, the EC of which you can adjust to EC 0.4 with CANNA CALMAG AGENT. So you can be sure that the resulting water contains the perfect ratio of minerals for your plants.
Unsuitable water with EC above 0.5 due to the content of sodium and chlorides is unsuitable for cultivation. These ingredients block the intake of other nutrients and can be toxic to the plant. Again, the situation can be solved by reverse osmosis, but in this case the EC value can be solved by mixing filtered and ordinary water only partially.
Mix some unsuitable water into the filtered water to reach EC 0.2. This will add enough bicarbonate to stabilize the pH. Use CANNA CALMAG AGENT to call EC at 0.4.
Dosage: / see documents. Add 0.1-0.5ml / l of water until you reach an ideal EC of 0.4mS / cm
Store at room temperature. Shake well before use. Keep out of reach of children. Once opened, it has limited shelf life. Don't swallow.