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Indoor Bonsai

Shohin, Kifu Shohin, Kifu
Young plants Young plants
Bonsai in gift boxes Bonsai in gift boxes
Arabica - Akacia Arabica - Akacia
Bonsai Indonesie Bonsai Indonesie
Grewia occidentalis Grewia occidentalis
Buxus harlandii Buxus harlandii
 Carmona microphylla Carmona microphylla
Duranta erecta Duranta erecta
Ficus Ficus
Hibiscus Hibiscus
Podocarpus Podocarpus
Olea europea sylvestris Olea europea sylvestris
Zantoxylum piperitum Zantoxylum piperitum
Ligustrum chinensis Ligustrum chinensis
Sageretia thea Sageretia thea
Ulmus parvifolia Ulmus parvifolia
Other rooms Other rooms
Real photo
Indoor bonsai - Sagerécie thea - Sagerécie thea Sageretia thea Indoor bonsai - Sagerécie thea - Sagerécie thea
12.79 €
Real photo
Indoor bonsai - Carmona macrophylla - Fuki tea Carmona microphylla Indoor bonsai - Carmona macrophylla - Fuki tea
12.79 €
Real photo
Indoor bonsai - Carmona macrophylla - Fuki tea Carmona microphylla Indoor bonsai - Carmona macrophylla - Fuki tea
12.79 €
Real photo
Indoor bonsai - Sagerécie thea - Sagerécie thea Sageretia thea Indoor bonsai - Sagerécie thea - Sagerécie thea
17.99 €
Real photo
Indoor bonsai - Ligustrum chinensis - Bird's eye view Ligustrum chinensis Indoor bonsai - Ligustrum chinensis - Bird's eye view
23.59 €
Real photo
Room bonsai - Carmona macrophylla - Tea fuki Carmona microphylla Room bonsai - Carmona macrophylla - Tea fuki
23.59 €
Real photo
Indoor bonsai - Sagerécie thea - Sagerécie thea Sageretia thea Indoor bonsai - Sagerécie thea - Sagerécie thea
17.99 €
Real photo
Indoor bonsai - Sagerécie thea - Sagerécie thea Sageretia thea Indoor bonsai - Sagerécie thea - Sagerécie thea
17.99 €
Real photo
Indoor bonsai - Sagerécie thea - Sagerécie thea Sageretia thea Indoor bonsai - Sagerécie thea - Sagerécie thea
17.99 €
Real photo
Indoor bonsai - Sagerécie thea - Sagerécie thea Sageretia thea Indoor bonsai - Sagerécie thea - Sagerécie thea
17.99 €
Real photo
Indoor bonsai - Sagerécie thea - Sagerécie thea Sageretia thea Indoor bonsai - Sagerécie thea - Sagerécie thea
17.99 €
Real photo
Indoor bonsai - Sagerécie thea - Sagerécie thea Sageretia thea Indoor bonsai - Sagerécie thea - Sagerécie thea
17.99 €
Real photo
Indoor bonsai - Sagerécie thea - Sagerécie thea Sageretia thea Indoor bonsai - Sagerécie thea - Sagerécie thea
17.99 €
Real photo
Indoor bonsai - Ulmus parvifolia - Small-leaved elm Ulmus parvifolia Indoor bonsai - Ulmus parvifolia - Small-leaved elm
23.59 €
Real photo
Indoor bonsai - Ligustrum chinensis - Bird's eye view Ligustrum chinensis Indoor bonsai - Ligustrum chinensis - Bird's eye view
23.59 €
Real photo
Indoor bonsai - Ligustrum chinensis - Bird's eye view Ligustrum chinensis Indoor bonsai - Ligustrum chinensis - Bird's eye view
23.59 €
Real photo
Indoor bonsai - Malvaviscus arboreus - woody hibiscus Hibiscus Indoor bonsai - Malvaviscus arboreus - woody hibiscus
79.17 €
Real photo
Indoor bonsai - Hibiscus tiliaceus - Hibiscus linden, sea Hibiscus Indoor bonsai - Hibiscus tiliaceus - Hibiscus linden, sea
79.17 €

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